Hayward Automatic Pool Cleaners


SELF-ADJUSTING TURBINE VANES: All the POOLCLEANER™ cleaners have the patented self-adjusting turbines, which maximizes the power from the water flow. This turbine is similar to a paddle wheel with blades that are adjustable. This feature allows the POOLCLEANER™ to still move at low suction and low pressure. In addition, the folding vanes of the turbine allow for the easy passage of larger debris through the cleaner. STEERING SYSTEM: The 2x Suction POOLCLEANER™ has an internal programmed steering system that causes the left wheel to periodically reverse, allowing the POOLCLEANER™ to turn and then move in another direction. For the 2x Suction POOLCLEANER™, there are five different programmed turns ranging from 90 to 450 degrees. This feature allows the POOLCLEANER™ to cover not only the deep end, but also the shallow end.

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