Green Mountain 180 Pack – Summer Sunrise & Autumn Harvest K-cups


Autumn Harvest, a perfect combination of light and dark roasted coffees. This blend is not to smokey, nor to weak. Perfect for anytime of the day. A hearty blend of medium and French roast beans featuring juicy red fruit notes and a dark chocolate finish. 90- 2.0 K-Cups of Green Mountain Autumn Harvest.

Summer Sunrise – With light floral and citrus notes and a sweet, clean finish, this brew brings a sunny start to your day. It’s one of our special coffees created to reflect the best aspect of each season. Made with 100% Arabica coffee. 90- 2.0 K-Cups of Green Mountain Summer Sunrise.

Compare 96ct Autumn Harvest Blend K-Cups  on Amazon at $59.96!