15 Things Husbands Do That Cause Their Wives To Scream


Don’t get me wrong I’m sure we all love our husbands. I mean doesn’t it feel like yesterday we stood at the alter and  said “until death do us part”?

Well I bet your husband has adopted some habits over time that just kill you! LOL

I know mine did! So here’s a list that I bet you can relate too. With out further ado heres a list of 17 Things Husbands Do That Cause Their Wives To Age Faster:

1. They let the garbage pile up in the kitchen. We shouldn’t have to ask for the garbage to get taken out! imgres-2


2. They don’t make the bed and give the classic excuse, “what’s the point it’s just going to get messed up again later…” Just make the damn bed!


3. Their road rage! I pray for my life and the lives of other’s around us when he’s behind the wheel. imgres-6

4. Their loud yawning. It’s like my husband is trying to sing a song as he yawns! imgres-8


5. The late night snack. I don’t mind that but I do mind the trail of crumbs he leaves behind!imgres-11

