Nike+ Fuelband First Generation Fitness Tracker – Assorted Colors and Sizes

Nike Fuelband

Through a sports-tested accelerometer, Nike+ FuelBand tracks your daily activity including running, walking, basketball, dancing and dozens of everyday activities. It tracks each step taken and calorie burned. It also tells the time of day. Visualize your daily activity to see when you’re most active – and when you’re not. Nike+ helps you understand your activity patterns to help you do more. Share your activity and achievements through Facebook, Twitter and Path.

If you already have a Nike+ FuelBand, get started by downloading the Nike+ Connect software. This software allows your Nike+ FuelBand and computer to communicate with each other. It also lets you customize your Nike+ FuelBand settings. Decide how active you want to be by setting a daily NikeFuel goal. The band’s LED display lights up from red to green showing your progress throughout the day. Receive achievements and rewards as you do more. Get on a streak, exceed your goal, and hit milestones along the way.

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