Culturelle Women’s Healthy Balance Probiotic for Women

Culturelle Women’s Healthy Balance Probiotic for Women

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  • PROBIOTICS MADE JUST FOR WOMEN – Culturelle Women’s Healthy Balance contains five clinically proven strains, setting it apart from other probiotics for women. This unique blend helps maintain a healthy balance of good bacteria in your body.*
  • PROVEN EFFECTIVE Culturelle Women’s Healthy Balance is powered by a unique blend of proven probiotics designed for a woman’s specific needs.* This blend includes the LGG strain.
  • FOR A WOMAN’S SPECIFIC NEEDS – A multi-strain probiotic blend for women that works naturally with your body to support vaginal, digestive and immune health in a convenient once daily capsule.* For optimal results, continued daily use is suggested.
  • HELP ACHIEVE BALANCE* – Women know that the stresses of daily life can take a toll on your body. Women want a daily probiotic that can help keep the female body in balance, helping protect it from the inside out.*
  • SAFE FOR PREGNANT WOMEN – Culturelle Women’s Healthy Balance is safe for pregnant women. Safe to use during pregnancy. Inform a healthcare professional before starting any dietary supplement, particularly if there is a known immune-compromised condition.

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